Hello from HOME! Burke is doing fine...eating like a big boy and growing tons. In this picture he's sacked out in his Nina's arms (Chris's mom) after gobbling down a whole 40cc of breastmilk...it's about the only things that gets him to stop crying! :) We've all been a bit frazzled trying to get into a routine here at home but it's getting better day by day. It seems that Burke has his extremes down pat...he sleeps harder, cries harder and plays longer than he did in the hospital so I guess that means he's getting stronger by the day! He had his first pediatric appointment on Thursday and had gained one ounce in a day so that makes him 8# 1 oz now! My mom has been here to help us get organized and soothe and hold Burke so I can do the basic things like use the bathroom/etc. It's also been great to have her help with helping us give Burke his medications and do his wound care. She's also helped us get Burke on a schedule of eating and napping....thank God for grandma's who know about babies! :) We couldn't have made it through this transition so easily without her support! Nate's family came to celebrate Burke's homecoming this weekend and brought tons of food, love and hands to help and hold Burke. Auntie Jill was able to meet Burke for the first time too! This coming week we have 5 appointments to check on Burke's weight gain, hearing tests, wound and g-tube site and occupational therapy....we're also doing this without the help of Nina so it should be interesting! Please pray that we make it through the busy week and stay positive through Burke's ups and downs during the day!
Love, Great step grands,
Duncan and Ginny
love uncle bubba
Hang in there!