7/8/06 Daddy's boy

Lots of progress over the past 2 days! Baby Burke is now getting my breastmilk through a feeding tube placed in his nose and is tolerating it well (he's never had anything in his tummy until now!). Prior to this he's been fed via an IV directly into his veins but now he's able to get a good dose of mommy's "medicine". He had a big poop this morning...we are thrilled about poopy diapers (never thought I'd say that!). They are weaning him off the ventilator and he is breathing more on his own. They say that he should be completely off the ventilator by Sunday night. Monday he will have a esophogram which will evaluate the surgical repair to his esophagus and detect any leaks or problems. Burke is trying so hard to wake up now...he opened one eye and looked at us yesterday! So cute! He moves his hands and legs and acts like he's trying to cry...this is good as it shows us signs that he's waking up and acting more like a healthy baby! Yesterday we got to see his little face without all that tape around his mouth...he looks JUST like his daddy! :) ...please continue to pray that his lungs work well without support, his esophogram is normal and that he stays infection free! We appreciate you all so much.


Anonymous said…
chris and nate, I'm glad to see the progress. Good photos of the two of you with burke over the last two entries. He looks so good! -derek
Anonymous said…
Oh Wow! Amazing grace and thank you Jesus!!!! We've been out of town for the last five days and haven't gotten any updates...to read your life story, to see those beautiful pictures of you three and family, to know of the many people praying...... You little rascal Burke boy !!!!! The people you have taken to their knees already!!! You have the breath of God...you have been given life...I just wonder what He has in store for you... Take care Nate and Chris...our Burke boy is in Good Hands and you all are uplifted in prayer....
Anonymous said…
Hi Chris and Nate, We love being able to watch little Burke's progress every day. He has made so much progress since his arrival that we can only marvel at the power of prayer and the skill of the doctors and nurses that attend him 24 hours a day. We love little Burke Elias and we love you both. We can't wait to see you all again. Love, Gary and Rosie, proud grandparents
Anonymous said…
Chris (guess I can't call you Burke anymore :-)) and Nate, you are truly blessed. What a beautiful little boy!
Thank you so much for sharing this time with all of us.
We continue to keep Burke in our prayers and look forward to the day when Annie gets to meet her new friend Burke.
Bend is not next door, but know that our prayers are right there everyday.
Blessings, Carrie Matt and Annie
Anonymous said…
Sending you hugs from Minnesota! Grace and I say a prayer for Burke every night and we're going to keep on until he's home.
Take care Nate and Chris,
Megan Danielson
Thanks to everyone who is thinking and praying for us. We love you!

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