A Step Back
I just got off the phone with Chris this morning and have the latest update on baby Burke. Unfortunately we took a step backwards this weekend. Although we had the loving presence of Great Grandpa Chester and Grandpa Gary little Burke had a complication with his G tube. Chris describes the situation this way:
“It seems like every time we try to help Burke something goes wrong. If we just let him be a baby he would be ok.”
For example the doctors have prescribed enhancement additives to the breast milk which Baby Burke has been eating. The additives in turn have upset his very sensitive stomach and given him lots of gas. The intestinal gas causes Burke to cry and on Saturday his G tube became dislodged from these intense expressions of grief.
The G tube is an alternate feeding source that was surgically placed into Burke’s stomach on Tuesday. It looks much like a small plastic valve that you use to blow up a pool raft or float. Two days after surgery they began to feed Burke through the tube. However, because of major stomach irritation the G tube was dislocated which in return cause leaking. The leaking of breast milk into the interspatial tissues between his stomach and abdomen has caused infection and required and emergency surgery on Saturday/Sunday.
Currently Burke will not be able to feed with out the aid of a pick-line for about a week or until the abdominal wound is healed (open wound). On the phone Chris described the scenario:
“Tim, it feels like we go from one extreme to the other. From being completely unhooked from any machine and ready to go home, back to complete dependency upon the hospital for at least another week.”
I know Chris is tired and honestly living on a thread. She, Nate, and Burke covet your prayers and support. I think to keep it simple…if we could all pray:
“Father we are ready for Chris, Nate, and Burke all to go home back to there little apartment... Thank you for how far you have brought them even though we still have a long ways to go. Please bring comfort to Chris, Nate, and Burke through this and help them to feel your presence and hope in the fact that you know best and you never make mistakes! WE LOVE YOU LORD…AMEN”
Love Chris, Nate, and Burke
“It seems like every time we try to help Burke something goes wrong. If we just let him be a baby he would be ok.”
For example the doctors have prescribed enhancement additives to the breast milk which Baby Burke has been eating. The additives in turn have upset his very sensitive stomach and given him lots of gas. The intestinal gas causes Burke to cry and on Saturday his G tube became dislodged from these intense expressions of grief.
The G tube is an alternate feeding source that was surgically placed into Burke’s stomach on Tuesday. It looks much like a small plastic valve that you use to blow up a pool raft or float. Two days after surgery they began to feed Burke through the tube. However, because of major stomach irritation the G tube was dislocated which in return cause leaking. The leaking of breast milk into the interspatial tissues between his stomach and abdomen has caused infection and required and emergency surgery on Saturday/Sunday.
Currently Burke will not be able to feed with out the aid of a pick-line for about a week or until the abdominal wound is healed (open wound). On the phone Chris described the scenario:
“Tim, it feels like we go from one extreme to the other. From being completely unhooked from any machine and ready to go home, back to complete dependency upon the hospital for at least another week.”
I know Chris is tired and honestly living on a thread. She, Nate, and Burke covet your prayers and support. I think to keep it simple…if we could all pray:
“Father we are ready for Chris, Nate, and Burke all to go home back to there little apartment... Thank you for how far you have brought them even though we still have a long ways to go. Please bring comfort to Chris, Nate, and Burke through this and help them to feel your presence and hope in the fact that you know best and you never make mistakes! WE LOVE YOU LORD…AMEN”
Love Chris, Nate, and Burke
I am so sorry to learn of little Burke's latest set-back. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you all. Please know there are lots of us out here who are hanging on to each new blog entry with cheers and tears as we pray for when you and your gorgeous baby boy are all safe and thriving at home. What a wonderful and momentous occasion that will be!!
All my love, Peggy Cecil
Dave and Shelly